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A WANT that never lets you LIVE

How want always makes us sad !!

The fact that we can't appreciate what we have when we have .. Makes us just WANT

we always want better food , better clothes , better shoes , better friends , better car , better house , better life !!

Does this better have a DEFINITION or even an end .. Why is that we cannot .. Just cannot accept everything that we have and be ok with it !!

Because what we have today is something which was a BETTER nd a WANT sometime ago !!

Do we even realise that this existence is about living and not wanting .. Because what u NEED is always there , we have lost the ability to recognise it and respect it when we have in this moment !!

So this fight of better want ruins us - I will tell you how !?!

"We can't appreciate what we have and we have a new want every time we have what we wanted " in this chase and bargain our life begins and ends , we are never happy or satisfied !!

Let's stop chasing and just start living !!

WE ALL HAVE WHAT WE WANT , just acknowledge and be AWARE of the fact that the universe always gives u want u deserve !!

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